High on Motherhood...

Rock Elijah Molina at 1 Week Old
Being a mother has definitely changed my perspective and definitely for the better. Like the song from Wicked "For Good" says: Because I knew you... I have been changed for good. In just two months and three weeks, my outlook on life has changed dramatically in a way I never imagined... from the company I wish to keep, to the way I eat, to my plans for the future... my family is the most important thing to me and living in a way that honors the love I have for my husband and son is the my number one priority.
Little Prince
In the coming days I'll backtrack on my experiences while they're still fresh in my mind... from my at-home 26 hour birth to feelings of inadequacy to moments of pure elation. Honestly, I've been too busy to blog and busy with a newborn is unlike any busy you could ever imagine. It's a deliriously awesome feeling though... sleep deprivation never felt so good. I'm high on motherhood and there's no way I'm coming down...

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