CB2 - The best mail I've ever received by accident.

I heart CB2. About a year ago I received the catalog at work, well, it wasn't sent to me but the person receiving no longer worked their and since I was "current resident" I kept it. I never got around to ordering the pillows below... "Save Love"
but it matched perfectly with our red Ikea accent chair and our black futon. Original price was $24.95. Now, "Save" is $9.95 and "Love" is $19.95... I guess love is more expensive than salvation. ;) Too late now to get them, my landlord gave us some really funky pillow cases from Turkey that work well but I was SO gonna get them.

Not sure how often the catalogs come out but I just got one again and I loooooveeeddddd the Andy Warhol quote apetizer plates, one of which I have a print of in our living room. ("Art is anything you can get away with.") A buck fifty for some nifty tapas plates... I'll take 'em.

Check them out:

I also liked this a lot... six languages, same spirit. Not sure if I'll get these ($21.95 for 6) but I dig.

I actually want stemless wine glasses, but the ones that rounded bottom and don't spill, just kinda' hang there... ok, I need a pic:

Only problem is I don't have anymore space for accent pieces and decoration... and I hate clutter, which is hard enough to avoid as is.

Moving on up... and American dreamin'.

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cynth said...

i LOVE their stuff! but as you said...i have enough clutter and buying more items would just be foolish.

we're just going to have to purge to make space for new stuff ;)

ps: i also received a catalogue by "mistake". except it was addressed to me...

JennyLee said...

I agree with purging the old and in with the new! :)

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